Welcome to the Honesty Request Form. For your advert to appear in our Honesty Classifieds , please complete the below Form. You need to specify:
If you are Buying or Selling or Wanting or have a Free product/service, just state either the word Buying or Selling or Wanted or Free in that box.
Your Email address is important to provide so we can send you an email confirming receipt of the add and a reference number and payment instructions should you wish to make a payment
In the Contact Type for Customers box, specify how you would like potential customers to contact you (whether email or a phone number is best for you)
In the Product or Service box, please state the Product or Service
In the Description box, in 50 words or less provide a Description of the product or service
When catsmartnsw.com.au receives your add, it will appear on our site within 48 hours and it will remain there for 14 days or until you email us with your reference number to remove it. There is a limit of 3 adds per person at one time, but if you remove one, you can replace it with another. For your advert to appear in the Honesty Classifieds, the product or service must be pet related.